A registered or an enrolled nurse cannot practise nursing in Hong Kong unless he or she is a holder of a valid practising certificate issued by the Nursing Council.
Any registered or enrolled nurse wishing to practise nursing but not holding a valid practising certificate should send a written application to the Secretariat. The fee for a practising certificate is HK$230. The holder of a current practising certificate may apply in writing to the Secretariat for a replacement copy if the original practising certificate is lost, destroyed or defaced. The fee for a replacement copy of a practising certificate is HK$200.
A practising certificate is valid for a period not exceeding 3 years ending on 31 December. It should be renewed when expired. The Secretariat takes the initiative to remind practising certificate holders 3 months before renewal is due by issuing demand notes to their last correspondence addresses as recorded in the register of nurses or roll of enrolled nurses.
Upon receipt of the demand note, the nurse is required to pay the prescribed fee of HK$230 according to the payment methods set out at the back of the demand note before 31 December. The Central Registration Office will then process the renewal applications.
According to section 10A(6) and section 16A(6) of the Nurses Registration Ordinance (Chapter 164, Laws of Hong Kong), any person who is required to be the holder of a practising certificate shall be deemed to have obtained the certificate when he or she has duly applied to the secretary and paid the prescribed fee for the issue of the practising certificate.