The Nursing Council of Hong Kong

The composition of the Council is stipulated in section 3(2) of the Ordinance as follows :

a. The head of the nursing service in the Department of Health;
b. one registered nurse in the public service of Hong Kong who shall be nominated by the Director of Health and appointed by the Chief Executive;
c. 6 members, who shall be nurses registered in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and appointed by the Chief Executive;
ca. 6 members who are registered nurses or enrolled nurses and who are elected for a term and in a manner provided for by regulations;
d. 2 members, selected by the Chief Executive from a pool of persons consisting of one person nominated by each of the tertiary institutions which have a nursing programme, and appointed by the Chief Executive;
db. one member to be nominated by the Hospital Authority within the meaning of the Hospital Authority Ordinance (Cap. 113) and appointed by the Chief Executive;
e. one member who shall be a registered nurse specially qualified in the nursing and care of persons suffering from mental diseases or in the nursing and care of the mentally subnormal and who shall be appointed by the Chief Executive;
f. 3 lay members who shall be appointed by the Chief Executive.
Under Section
Chairman 3(2)(c) Professor Agnes TIWARI 羅鳳儀教授
Member 3(2)(a) Ms KO Siu-shan, Lucia 高筱珊女士
Member 3(2)(b) Ms CHAN Yan-yan 陳欣欣女士
Member 3(2)(c) Miss MAN Bo-lin, Manbo, MH 文保蓮女士, MH
Member 3(2)(c) Vacant 空缺
Member 3(2)(c) Ms CHAN Yuk-sim 陳玉嬋女士
Member 3(2)(c) Professor TIU Mei-ha, Mimi 刁美霞教授
Member 3(2)(c) Ms LAM Sui-sum, Phoebe 林瑞心女士
Member 3(2)(d) Professor CHAN YIP Wing-han, Carmen 陳葉詠嫻教授
Member 3(2)(d) Professor WANG Man-ping 王文炳教授
Member 3(2)(db) Dr TONG Wah-kun, Danny 唐華根博士
Member 3(2)(e) Ms LO Kwai-chun 羅桂珍女士
Member 3(2)(f) Dr WONG Man-yeung, Ryan 王文揚醫生
Member 3(2)(f) Mr HUI Cheuk-kit, Frederick 許卓傑先生
Member 3(2)(f) Mr CHIU Kwok-leung, Philip 趙國亮先生