Temporary Registration and Enrolment (General/Psychiatric)

  1. Who can apply?

    A relevant institution (applicant) may apply to the Council for temporary registration/enrolment of a person (subject person) exclusively for conducting clinical demonstration for, or academic exchanges with, the applicant.

    List of Eligible Institutionspdf
  2. Application Procedures

    1. The applicant should complete and submit the application form on behalf of the subject person, enclose the Declaration Form completed by the subject person and the following documents to the Council for consideration:
      1. Certified true copy of Hong Kong Identity Card/Passport of the subject person;
      2. Certified true copy of valid certificate to practise nursing from the registration authority outside Hong Kong (i.e. registration/enrolment certificate and practising certificate) or other equivalent documentary evidence of entitlement to practise nursing outside Hong Kong;
      3. A copy of curriculum vitae of the subject person; and
      4. Two unmounted copies of a photograph (passport size) of the subject person taken not more than two years before the date of application.

        Form – Temporary Registration/Enrolment (General/Psychiatric)
        Application Form pdf
    2. If the application is incomplete or inconsistent, the Council will require the applicant to clarify the discrepancy or provide supplementary information. This will result in prolonged processing time of application.
    3. The prescribed fee for a Certificate of Temporary Registration or Certificate of Temporary Enrolment is HK$1,190. No fees will be charged before approval of the application.