Locally Trained Nurses

  1. Who can apply?

    An applicant trained in Hong Kong who should:
    1. be of good character; and
    2. have satisfactorily completed a pre-registration nursing programme of at least 3 years in duration (for registration) or a pre-enrolment nursing programme of at least 2 years in duration (for enrolment), which is provided by a gazetted training school and accredited by the Council.
  2. Application Procedures
    1. An applicant should complete the application form, enclose originals and photocopies or notarised copies of the following to his/her training school:
      1. an original testimonial as to character to be completed preferably by a resident of standing in Hong Kong not more than six months before the application for registration/enrolment is to be received by the Council;
      2. an original or a true copy of certificate/transcript of studies issued and certified (if not original) by the training school;
      3. a true copy of Hong Kong Identity Card/Passport certified by the training school;
      4. two unmounted copies of a photograph (passport size) of the applicant taken not more than two years before the date of application for registration/enrolment;
      5. an original declaration form completed not more than six months before the application for registration/enrolment is to be received by the Council; and
      6. an original certificate of health completed not more than six months before the application for registration/enrolment is to be received by the Council by a registered medical practitioner within the meaning of the Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap. 161, Laws of Hong Kong), certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any scheduled infectious disease, within the meaning of the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap. 599, Laws of Hong Kong), such as to render him/her unfit, in that practitioner’s opinion, to attend the sick.

        Forms – Full Registration/Enrolment
        Application Form – Full Registration pdf
        Application Form - Full Enrolment pdf
    2. The prescribed fee for a Certificate of Full Registration or Certificate of Full Enrolment for locally trained applicants is HK$415. No fees will be charged before approval of the application.