Registration/Enrolment (General)

  1. Format:
    1. The Licensing Examination for registration and enrolment consists of the written and practical parts. There will be no exemption for any part of the Licensing Examination.

    2. The applicant must pass the written part before he/she will be allowed to take the practical part, and must pass both parts of the Licensing Examination before he/she can register/enroll with the Council.

  2. Time frame in taking the Licensing Examination for eligible applicants:
    1. The applicant is required to make his/her first attempt of the Licensing Examination within two years from the date the Council issues its initial approval for sitting the Licensing Examination to him/her. Applications for deferment beyond the two-year limit will normally not be entertained.

    2. If the applicant fails to pass any part of the Licensing Examination, he/she is required to re-sit the failed part only. Nevertheless, the applicant has to re-sit the failed part within one year from the date of his/her last attempt, except with the special permission of the Council and subject to such conditions as to training or instruction as the Council may impose.

    3. If the applicant fails to pass the practical part of the Licensing Examination within three years from the date he/she passes the written part, he/she needs to re-sit both the written and practical parts.

    4. If the applicant fails to pass the Licensing Examination on three occasions, he/she will not be entitled to re-sit the Licensing Examination again without the special permission of the Council. Such applications for special permission should be sent to the Council within two weeks of the date of the result notification letter. Applications received after the two-week period will normally not be entertained. Submission of a fresh application does not mean an applicant will be given further chances to re-sit the Licensing Examination. The following are some of the examples cited for reference:

      Scenario 1 : 1st attempt pass in the written part
      fail in the practical part
      2nd attempt fail in the re-take of the practical part
      3rd attempt fail in the re-take of the practical part
      Scenario 2 : 1st attempt fail in the written part
      2nd attempt pass in the re-take of the written part
      fail in the practical part
      3rd attempt fail in the re-take of the practical part
      Scenario 3 : 1st attempt fail in the written part
      2nd attempt fail in the re-take of the written part
      3rd attempt pass in the re-take of the written part
      fail in the practical part
      Scenario 4 : 1st attempt fail in the written part
      2nd attempt fail in the re-take of the written part
      3rd attempt fail in the re-take of the written part
  3. Schedule of Licensing Examination:
    1. The Council usually organizes written and practical parts of the Licensing Examination every year according to the following schedule, which is for reference only and is subject to finalization:

      Type of examination Written Part Practical Part
      Licensing Examination for Registration March and September/October January/February and June
      Licensing Examination for Enrolment March August/September
  4. The Secretariat will inform eligible applicants of the details of the application procedures and payment method for the Licensing Examination in writing directly.

  5. The examination fee is HK$860 for the Licensing Examination for Registration and HK$920 for the Licensing Examination for Enrolment. Fees are subject to revision and are not refundable.