
The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing & Midwifery (“HKANM”)(formerly known as The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing ("HKAN")) and its Colleges have been invited to set up panels to formulate the relevant core competencies for each individual specialty. As in May 2020, 16 panels have been formed for the following specialties:

  1. Cardiac Nursing;
  2. Community, Primary and Public Health Nursing;
  3. Critical Care Nursing;
  4. Education and Research in Nursing;
  5. Emergency Care Nursing;
  6. Gerontology Nursing;
  7. Gynaecology Nursing;
  8. Infection Control in Nursing;
  9. Management in Nursing;
  10. Medical Nursing;
  11. Mental Health Nursing;
  12. Oncology Nursing;
  13. Orthopaedic Nursing;
  14. Paediatric Nursing;
  15. Perioperative and Anaesthesia Nursing; and
  16. Surgical Nursing.

Terms of Reference for the 16 Specialty Panels

  1. To formulate core competencies of advanced practice nurses for its individual specialty, and submit proposals to the Council via the Working Group on Advanced and Specialised Nursing Practice
  2. To provide inputs to the lists of master programmes to be recognised under the Scheme
  3. To give advice on issues relating to the Scheme as assigned by the Council

Membership of the 16 Specialty Panels

Each specialty panel had submitted its proposal for core competencies of advanced practice nurses to the Council via the Working Group on Advanced and Specialised Nursing Practice. As of October 2021, the Scheme has been launched for all the 16 specialties.

The applications for recognition as advanced practice nurses in Oncology Nursing, Management in Nursing and Gynaecology Nursing have been accepted since 27 January 2021.

The applications for recognition as advanced practice nurses in Orthopaedic Nursing and Medical Nursing have been accepted since 22 March 2021.

The applications for recognition as advanced practice nurses in Paediatric Nursing, Emergency Care Nursing and Critical Care Nursing have been accepted since 21 June 2021.

The applications for recognition as advanced practice nurses in Surgical Nursing, Cardiac Nursing, Infection Control in Nursing, and Community, Primary and Public Health Nursing have been accepted since 2 August 2021.

Starting from 4 October 2021, applications for recognition as advanced practice nurses in Perioperative and Anaesthesia Nursing, Gerontology Nursing, Education and Research in Nursing and Mental Health Nursing are accepted.